Sunday 10 February 2019



Will robots change our lives in the future? 

It's a funny question to ask when they're changing our lives now in so many ways and they have been for years. From the first time you saw a toaster pop up by itself, we accepted that machines can be trusted to do things for us.

They record our shows, cook our food, play our music, and even run our cars. We just don't see it because these "robots" don't have a face we can talk to.

Technically robots are automatic motorised tools. They're generally known as popular humanoids which make our lives easier. They make us think that the future is now. Let's have a look at some of them.  

1. SHOPIA: it's a social humanoid robot. It was developed in Hong-Kong in 2016. It's probably the best humanoid robot and it can even maintain a conversation with a human. 
2. ROOMBA: it's a well-known automatic robotic vacuum cleaner. It started in the United States and its latest version dates back to 2018. 

3. THERMOMIX: it's probably the best-known and popular cooking robot. It was designed in Germany and the latest version popped up in 2014. 
4. ALTLAS: it's another humanoid robot from the United States. It was invented in 2013.
5. TEKNO: it's one of the thousands robotic pets all over the world. It was developed in the late 2000 in the United Kingdom.

6. ROBOMOW: it's a popular robotic lawn mower from Israel. The latest version was designed in 2004.  

7. STARSHIP DELIVERY ROBOT: it's a delivery robot which can carry items, especially food. It started in the United States in 2016. 
8. ROMEO: it's a humanoid robot which assists the elderly as they lose their own autonomy (open doors, climb stairs, reach for objects.....). It was designed in France in 2003.

10. FOLDIMATE: it's a robotic laundry folding machine which can help people fold clothes after doing the laundry. California, 2012.