Sunday 3 February 2019

PARIS (FRANCE) by Zoe Smith.                    

Hi there! Right now I'm sitting on the beach and having a picnic with some friends. Why is this strange? Because I'm in the middle of Paris! How many beaches has Paris got? None. It hasn't got any real beaches, but every summer they put sand along the River Seine and turn the middle of Paris into a beach. The good thing about this is that it doesn't rain during summer so we can sunbathe, the bad thing is that there's a lot of people, noise and litter. 

Paris is such a fun place to spend time. There is always something interesting and unusual to do - and I'm learning a lot of French, too! I sometimes walk around the Montmartre area after my lessons. Many artists sit and paint on the streets there and I enjoy looking at their paintings, although sometimes there's a crowd and a big queue to see them. 

The Champs Elysées, a very well-known street in Paris, is my favourite place to shop but there's always traffic jam. I also go to the Left Bank, which is an old and historic area of Paris. And of course the Eiffel Tower. Amazing! Come to Paris and see why I love it so much! 

Bye bye my peeps ;)