Tuesday 4 June 2019

A GRAFFITI STORY by Marta Martinez (E22)

Do you know the story behind this graffiti? Marta will tell us. Watch the video below to learn about it and tell us if you like it. :)

Thank you, Marta! You did a great job!! 

Monday 27 May 2019



Hi, my name is Marta. I'm 13 years old and I live in Paiporta.

When I was younger my life was easier. There were no problems, and the school was easier too. It was easier because there were no homework and there weren't any exams. I remember one day, i was  years old, and i was thinking ¨i wanna be older, there are more responsibilities and life will be funnier.¨ Now I think about that and I say "I wanna be younger, i want to spend my free time with my friends, not studying¨

Now that I'm a teenager, life is more difficult. I need to spend my free time studying and I don't have a lot of time to spend with my friends. I study at high school and my grades are very great. I have a lot of friends but I only trust in a few.

In the future I want to study a degree. I still don't know if I wanna do medicine, law or teaching. The idea of raising a family is not in my mind. A lot of people say that raising a family is the key of happiness, but children don't make me happy. I still don't know it but nowadays I don't wanna have children when i'm older.

Marta Garcia E-21


Hello, my name is Didac and I'm 13 years old and my town is called Paiporta.

The best things of bing a child were the related to friends and school, when i was a child i didn't have to study and I can play with my friends all the day,  I loved that times, when I was younger I didn't live in Paiporta, I lived in Miramar one small village near Gandia, I loved that place.

Now, I'm a teenager, I usually have a lot of homework or a lot exams and I have to study a lot, now I say I want to be a child, but there's also good things in being a teenager, one example are the finds your real friends stay with you and the false ones leave you  that's good because the people around re only important people.

In the future I hope I can live in Berlin, London or Oslo, that's my dream.
In the future I want to study in the Valencia University, I want to study some career of enginieer or programation I love that things.

Didac Espinosa E-21 


My name is Lucia and I'm 13 years old and I from Paiporta (Valencia)

I will start with one of the best moments of my childhood, it was when my
brothers and I went to Portaventura, I had a great time with my family and I will never forget it.

Now that I'm a teenager, at this stage of my life. I so to high school, it's not something I love, but sometimes I have great time with my classmates. The school helps me learn and think about my future.

Every time I think more about my future. Regarding what I want to study I would like to study law and de a judge because I like those things very much. One of the things that I also want to do in the future will be to have a happy family with two children.
But I still have a lot time before that .

Lucia Lopez E-21


My name is Noelia, I'm 13 an I'm from Paiporta (Valencia)

When I was younger my life was so much easyer, all I had to do was go to school and do my homework, I have to say that my homework was so much easyer before. All my frienships were simples, me and my friends were always playing and talking about stuff that was very important for us before but that now is just stupid problems about TV series for kids or something like that.

Now that I'm a teenager, all my life became so much dificult, now my studies are harders and my friendships are a mess, but even if sometimes I prefere my old life, i wouldn't change my life if I could, because there are good things betwen all the mess of my life...

In the future, my biggest dream is to become a famous actress and to race a happy family, but right now my biggest worry is to pass to third grade and life the moment

Noelia Mendez E-21

My name is Nerea, I'm 14 and I'm from Paiporta (Valencia)

When I was younger, I lived in Paiporta with my parents ans my sister. I loved riding and playing with my friends, because I had a lot of fun.

Now that I'm a teenager, I do not like living in Paiporta, because there are no shopping centers, and it is a town a bit far from the city.

I still do not know what I'm going to study, but I guess I'll do an average grade os what I'm going to like until the day comes when I have to choose what I'm going to want to study. I hope to start a family, to have a stable job and not to fail in anything. In three weeks I will move.

Nerea Varvaró E-21

Monday 13 May 2019



Watch this video before coming to class!!



Tuesday 7 May 2019




Saturday 2 March 2019

What would you like to be in the future? Here's a list of 10 crazy jobs across the globe that you will not believe exist.
If you think the underground in Spain is bad, especially in Valencia during Fallas, you should see the trains in Japan. ‘Oshiyas’ try to put as many people onto a train as possible by pushing them from the outside until the doors will close.
A hotel in Finland hired a member of staff as a ‘professional sleeper’ to test the comfort of their beds. The person sleeps in a different one of the hotel beds each night and writes a review about her satisfaction with each one. My first reaction when I came across this job was... Wow! You actually get paid to... Sleep! This has to be undoubtedly the most comfortable job on the planet.
This is a part-time job in Japan where people work as wedding guests. Don't believe me? Here's an ad. Ask a Japanese friend to translate and you'll know.  Apart from the money, they also get free food. Isn't it fun?
These people get paid in America to smell other people's armpits. They do so to test the odour-fighting powers of deodorants and to see the effectiveness of new products.
The pet food tester’s job is to taste new pet food products, including bones, tinned meat, and biscuits. They do this to test for flavor and texture in comparison to rival pet food brands and human food. Whoever came up with this job must be a true-blue animal lover or someone who likes to chew weird-tasting food. 
Amsterdam is the most bicycle friendly capital city of the world. It's no surprise that a lot of them end up in one of the canals employing bicycle fishers. Each year Amsterdam finds out around 14,000  bikes from its waterways.
You'll meet a cuidacarro when you park your car in Costa Rica. His job isn't as complicated as it sounds. What a cuidacarro does is watch your car when you are gone so that nobody steals it. I'm sure we have something similar in Spain, haven't we?
No, this isn’t a joke. Someone actually earns a living watching paint dry. A man in the UK currently has the job and he spends his days painting sheets of cardboard to test how long new paint mixes take to dry and watching for changes in color and texture.
It is a tradition in South East Asia that a big funeral will be good for you when you die, so professional mourners are hired to cry and weep loudly throughout the service.
In Florida there's an underwater hotel, believe it or not, and they have a scab diving pizza delivery man who carries pizza through the sea in a watertight case. 

Sunday 17 February 2019



1. Before we start, let's answer some questions:

2.  In pairs complete this treasure hunt. Use the Internet links to answer the questions about global warming. GOOD LUCK!!!  

  1. What is global warming? 
  2. What is the process involved in the greenhouse effect? 
  3. What signs warn us about global warming? 
  4. Can you quote another term for global warming? 
  5.  THE BIG QUESTION:  What can we do to stop global warming? Suggest five ideas. 
  1. https://archive.epa.gov/climatechange/kids/index.html 
  2. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/global-warming-overview/ 
  3. http://www.worldviewofglobalwarming.org/
  4. http://www.nrdc.org/globalWarming/f101.asp#13
  5. http://www.saberingles.com.ar/lists/environment.html 

3. After having completed the treasure hunt, what do you know now about global warming? What is the most important thing we can do to protect our environment and to avoid global warming? 

Sunday 10 February 2019



Will robots change our lives in the future? 

It's a funny question to ask when they're changing our lives now in so many ways and they have been for years. From the first time you saw a toaster pop up by itself, we accepted that machines can be trusted to do things for us.

They record our shows, cook our food, play our music, and even run our cars. We just don't see it because these "robots" don't have a face we can talk to.

Technically robots are automatic motorised tools. They're generally known as popular humanoids which make our lives easier. They make us think that the future is now. Let's have a look at some of them.  

1. SHOPIA: it's a social humanoid robot. It was developed in Hong-Kong in 2016. It's probably the best humanoid robot and it can even maintain a conversation with a human. 
2. ROOMBA: it's a well-known automatic robotic vacuum cleaner. It started in the United States and its latest version dates back to 2018. 

3. THERMOMIX: it's probably the best-known and popular cooking robot. It was designed in Germany and the latest version popped up in 2014. 
4. ALTLAS: it's another humanoid robot from the United States. It was invented in 2013.
5. TEKNO: it's one of the thousands robotic pets all over the world. It was developed in the late 2000 in the United Kingdom.

6. ROBOMOW: it's a popular robotic lawn mower from Israel. The latest version was designed in 2004.  

7. STARSHIP DELIVERY ROBOT: it's a delivery robot which can carry items, especially food. It started in the United States in 2016. 
8. ROMEO: it's a humanoid robot which assists the elderly as they lose their own autonomy (open doors, climb stairs, reach for objects.....). It was designed in France in 2003.

10. FOLDIMATE: it's a robotic laundry folding machine which can help people fold clothes after doing the laundry. California, 2012.

Sunday 3 February 2019

New York

New York, New York 

Some basic facts

New York is the largest city in the United States but it’s not its capital as many of you may think. It’s called “the city that never sleeps” because it’s full of lights and life. It has got an area of about 783,8 square kilometres and its population is about 8.800 million people. It contains four neighbourhoods: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island. Manhattan is the most popular one. It’s where we can find the highest skyscrapers and most amazing theatres.

Where to go
There are many places to visit in New York. The Statue of Liberty, which was a present from the French to the Americans in order to commemorate the country’s independence. The Empire State Building, which is the most popular skyscraper, the Chrysler Building, the Top of the Rock or The world Trade Centre (which replaces The Twin Towers after the attacks from September 11th).
You can also go to Central Park, which is located in the North of Manhattan, and it’s the most visited park in the United States. 
Besides, you can visit places such as Harlem, Chinatown, Little Italy or Times square, where you can see its neon lights. 

What to do
You can do many interesting things around New York. You can book a visit to the Statue of Liberty with a ferry, or have a picnic and spend a sunny day in Central Park. You can also walk around Broadway and see its theatres and musicals like Aladdin or The Lion King. You can visit  museums like MOMA or you can go shopping, of course. 

Who’s from New York
New York is also home to many famous people like  the singers Alicia Keys and Lady Gaga or America’s president Donald Trump.

PARIS (FRANCE) by Zoe Smith.                    

Hi there! Right now I'm sitting on the beach and having a picnic with some friends. Why is this strange? Because I'm in the middle of Paris! How many beaches has Paris got? None. It hasn't got any real beaches, but every summer they put sand along the River Seine and turn the middle of Paris into a beach. The good thing about this is that it doesn't rain during summer so we can sunbathe, the bad thing is that there's a lot of people, noise and litter. 

Paris is such a fun place to spend time. There is always something interesting and unusual to do - and I'm learning a lot of French, too! I sometimes walk around the Montmartre area after my lessons. Many artists sit and paint on the streets there and I enjoy looking at their paintings, although sometimes there's a crowd and a big queue to see them. 

The Champs Elysées, a very well-known street in Paris, is my favourite place to shop but there's always traffic jam. I also go to the Left Bank, which is an old and historic area of Paris. And of course the Eiffel Tower. Amazing! Come to Paris and see why I love it so much! 

Bye bye my peeps ;)

Sunday 13 January 2019



Graffiti is an art and it is present all over our city, Valencia. Do you know Moret Street also known as Colours Street? Let's have a look at it. 

This street can be found in Carmen neighbourhood. Around that neighbourhood you can also see other stunning graffitis as the ones below.


All Graffiti have a story behind and today we're going to learn about one of them.