Sunday 29 October 2017



1. Before we start, let's revise some vocabulary!! Match the words to the pictures below.

2. Now it's time to start the treasure hunt!! First of all WORK IN PAIRS. Read the questions and click to find the answer.  GOOD LUCK!!


3. After having completed the treasure hunt, what do you know now about Halloween? Do you celebrate it? 

Thursday 19 October 2017

REPORTING VERBS 2nd Bachillerato

REPORTING VERBS:   Form and meaning

We use reporting verbs to report what someone said more accurately than using say and tell.

Verb + infinitive     agree, decide, offer, promise, refuse, threaten
(acceder (acordar), decidir, ofrecer, prometer, rechazar (negarse), amenazar)
They agreed to meet on Friday.  (Accedió a quedar el viernes)

He refused to take his coat off.  (Rechazó quitarse el abrigo)

Verb + object + infinitive
advise, encourage, invite, remind, warn, ask, order, tell
(aconsejar, animar, invitar, recordar, advertir, pedir, ordenar, decir)

Tom advised me to go home early.  (Tom me aconsejó que me fuera a casa temprano)
She reminded me to telephone my mother.  (Me recordó que llamara a mi madre)
Verb + gerund    deny, recommend, suggest, advise
(denegar, recomendar, sugerir, aconsejar)

They recommended taking the bus.  (Ellos recomendaron coger el bus)
She suggested meeting a little earlier.  (Sugirió quedar un poco más temprano)
Verb + object + preposition (+ gerund)     accuse, blame, congratulate
(acusar, culpar, felicitar)

He accused me of taking the money.  ( Me acusó de coger dinero)
They congratulated me on passing all my exams.  (Ellos me felicitaron por aprobar todos mis exámenes)

Verb + preposition + gerund     apologize (for), insist (on)
(disculparse, insister)

They apologized for not coming.  (Ellos se disculparon por no venir)
He insisted on having dinner.   (Insistió en cenar)
Verb + (that) + subject + verb
admit, agree, decide, deny, explain, insist, promise, recommend, suggest, apologize, say
(admitir, acceder (acordar), decidir, denegar, explicar, insistir, prometer, recomendar, sugerir, disculpar (sentir, lamentar), decir)

Sarah decided (that) the house needed cleaning.  (Sarah decidió que la casa necesitaba limpiarse)
They recommended (that) we take the bus. ( Ellos recomendaron que tomáramos el autobús)
Verb + object + (that) + subject + verb
tell,, inform, promise, remind, warn
(decir, informar, prometer, recordar, advertir)
He informed me that there was a lot of traffic.  (Me informó de que había mucho tráfico)

Verb + if / wh question
ask, want to know, wonder, enquire
(preguntar, querer saber, preguntarse, inquirir)
I wondered why they left the house at midnight. (Me pregunté por qué ellos abandonaron la casa a medianoche)
Verb + object + if / wh question      ask  (preguntar)
The teacher asked Mary if she had done her homework. (El profesor le preguntó a Mary si ella había hecho los deberes)
