Tuesday 4 June 2019

A GRAFFITI STORY by Marta Martinez (E22)

Do you know the story behind this graffiti? Marta will tell us. Watch the video below to learn about it and tell us if you like it. :)

Thank you, Marta! You did a great job!! 

Monday 27 May 2019



Hi, my name is Marta. I'm 13 years old and I live in Paiporta.

When I was younger my life was easier. There were no problems, and the school was easier too. It was easier because there were no homework and there weren't any exams. I remember one day, i was  years old, and i was thinking ¨i wanna be older, there are more responsibilities and life will be funnier.¨ Now I think about that and I say "I wanna be younger, i want to spend my free time with my friends, not studying¨

Now that I'm a teenager, life is more difficult. I need to spend my free time studying and I don't have a lot of time to spend with my friends. I study at high school and my grades are very great. I have a lot of friends but I only trust in a few.

In the future I want to study a degree. I still don't know if I wanna do medicine, law or teaching. The idea of raising a family is not in my mind. A lot of people say that raising a family is the key of happiness, but children don't make me happy. I still don't know it but nowadays I don't wanna have children when i'm older.

Marta Garcia E-21


Hello, my name is Didac and I'm 13 years old and my town is called Paiporta.

The best things of bing a child were the related to friends and school, when i was a child i didn't have to study and I can play with my friends all the day,  I loved that times, when I was younger I didn't live in Paiporta, I lived in Miramar one small village near Gandia, I loved that place.

Now, I'm a teenager, I usually have a lot of homework or a lot exams and I have to study a lot, now I say I want to be a child, but there's also good things in being a teenager, one example are the finds your real friends stay with you and the false ones leave you  that's good because the people around re only important people.

In the future I hope I can live in Berlin, London or Oslo, that's my dream.
In the future I want to study in the Valencia University, I want to study some career of enginieer or programation I love that things.

Didac Espinosa E-21 


My name is Lucia and I'm 13 years old and I from Paiporta (Valencia)

I will start with one of the best moments of my childhood, it was when my
brothers and I went to Portaventura, I had a great time with my family and I will never forget it.

Now that I'm a teenager, at this stage of my life. I so to high school, it's not something I love, but sometimes I have great time with my classmates. The school helps me learn and think about my future.

Every time I think more about my future. Regarding what I want to study I would like to study law and de a judge because I like those things very much. One of the things that I also want to do in the future will be to have a happy family with two children.
But I still have a lot time before that .

Lucia Lopez E-21


My name is Noelia, I'm 13 an I'm from Paiporta (Valencia)

When I was younger my life was so much easyer, all I had to do was go to school and do my homework, I have to say that my homework was so much easyer before. All my frienships were simples, me and my friends were always playing and talking about stuff that was very important for us before but that now is just stupid problems about TV series for kids or something like that.

Now that I'm a teenager, all my life became so much dificult, now my studies are harders and my friendships are a mess, but even if sometimes I prefere my old life, i wouldn't change my life if I could, because there are good things betwen all the mess of my life...

In the future, my biggest dream is to become a famous actress and to race a happy family, but right now my biggest worry is to pass to third grade and life the moment

Noelia Mendez E-21

My name is Nerea, I'm 14 and I'm from Paiporta (Valencia)

When I was younger, I lived in Paiporta with my parents ans my sister. I loved riding and playing with my friends, because I had a lot of fun.

Now that I'm a teenager, I do not like living in Paiporta, because there are no shopping centers, and it is a town a bit far from the city.

I still do not know what I'm going to study, but I guess I'll do an average grade os what I'm going to like until the day comes when I have to choose what I'm going to want to study. I hope to start a family, to have a stable job and not to fail in anything. In three weeks I will move.

Nerea Varvaró E-21